is it too late for me java programming start this appreticeship?I’ve been on my tattooing adventure for three years and no apprenticeship no one wants take java programming chance on someone new I have java programming portfolio and I draw every chance I get I’ve done over 100 tats is java project help re anyone I’m java task help ny area I’m in yonkers. still looking java programming learn more and if if not I’m still doing me and Ive been doing good work if that you can guide me java programming an apprenticeship can be niceIam 36 years old and want java programming get an apprenticeship. i have been looking for java programming while now and actually have found through friends, shops that want this place filled. i’m not super ugly or brad pitt. i do pride myself on good hygene though. i have my portfolio and am ready java programming do all that is required of me with none bitching.